8月. 16: 新学生入住
8月. 18: 转学生和返校学生搬进来
8月. 16-19: 新生迎新
8月. 17: 转学生迎新
国际学生应联络校园生活(CampusLife@weipujx.com 或812-535-5219)来协调他们到达校园.
8月. 19第一个星期一
8月. 20第一天上课
搬进宿舍是多么令人兴奋啊, it can also seem nerve-wracking to live with someone new for the first time. That being said, having a roommate can be a wonderful chance to learn about others. 这里有一些建立良好室友关系的建议!
- 诚实,做你自己! Like any new relationship, you’ll want to start off on the right foot and be true to who you are. 这样你的室友就能了解真实的你. 如果你对自己的个性敞开心扉, 希望, 和需要, 你的室友很可能也会敞开心扉.
- 保持开放的心态. 不是每个人的背景都和你一样, 事实上, most people that you meet while in college will have come from walks of life that are vastly different from your own. Try to be understanding and considerate of others’ identities and experiences.
- 从一开始就设定明确的期望. You and your roommate will never know exactly what each other is thinking, so you need to be clear about what your expectations are for the shared space. Consider this: who is going to be responsible for taking out the garbage? 晚上你能让灯开到多晚? 你们能借对方的东西吗? 这些都是重要的问题, so we recommend discussing these with your roommate soon after you move in. 室友合同非常有用!
- You don’t have to be best friends with your roommate, or even friends at all. We could never expect you to force a friendship with someone when it’s not meant to be. 然而, we do expect that you can build a respectful relationship and share the space that you both pay for. Some roommates do become good friends, others just chat every now and again. 两种关系都可以, so long as you are able to communicate with and respect each other.
- 当你有疑问的时候,把它说出来. Just like how you and your roommate are likely to have different lifestyles, you’re also likely to have different ways of addressing conflict. No matter what your relationship is with your roommate, conflict is bound to arise at some point. The best way to make sure you get through it is to talk about it.
- 记住,总会有人来帮忙的! 一定要认识你的住宿助理, 因为当冲突变得难以处理时,他们可以提供帮助. RAs are specially trained in mediation and conflict management and are always happy to help you work it out.
Please note: we do not make changes prior to move-in weekend based on a student’s social media presence.
每天都有U.S. 邮政邮件递送服务. 我们的邮递服务与药房上门收件服务类似. Student mail is delivered to the front desk of 乐费尔大厅 and is available for pick-up during normal front desk hours. 学生 will receive an email notifying them when they have a package that has been delivered.
Packages will be held at the Le Fer front desk during regular business hours. Please note: Guaranteed express or other timed early delivery packages are independent of SMWC.
Residence hall floors are locked 24/7 and are accessible only to residents of the building with an SMWC学生证 card.
- 客人在住宅楼层签到并被护送.
- 公共安全 可以帮助学生,博彩平台网址大全是 812-535-6400.
- 我们鼓励大家报名参加 文本警报.
- Don’t hold the door open for strangers entering the building, they must use their SMWC学生证. 我们知道这看起来很粗鲁,但没关系!
- 如果你发现任何可疑情况,请向公共安全部门报告.
- 不要把房间钥匙或学生证借给别人.
丢失的钥匙 & 遗失学生证
圣玛丽森林学院 also offers some other amenities around campus.
- Club ’64 is located in the Knoerle Center and is a total fitness center with up-to-date equipment such as an elliptical machine, 跑步机, 静止的自行车, 一个完整的鹦鹉螺电路和自由重量区.
- Studio ' 64位于乐费尔大厅的花园层. It is a multi-purpose space for student events, programs, and organization meetings. 此外,瑜伽在周一和周三下午4点提供.m. 每周二下午6点提供自卫/空手道课程.m.
- The Oakley Student Center (OSC) is located 在乐费尔大厅的花园层. T在这里 is a pool table, ping pong, and a wealth of games and puzzles for students to use.
- The E-Sports Lounge is coming soon to the garden level of 乐费尔大厅 and is open to all SMWC students.
- Sacred Heart Chapel is located on the first floor of 乐费尔大厅 and is open to all SMWC students every day. Throughout the year 校园部 hosts services in the chapel and it is the location for the 国际 Ring Ceremony.
SMWC is focused on providing the campus community with quality services and products in a fiscally responsible fashion. Dining Services offers a variety of food choices including healthy, vegan, and vegetarian options. If you live on campus, the meal plan is included in your room and board fees. 只有一个膳食计划.
膳食计划包括:早餐, lunch and dinner Monday through Friday; brunch and dinner on Saturday and Sunday.
SMWC学生证:您的SMWC学生证是您的餐卡, prox card for accessing 乐费尔大厅 and access to printing and copying services on campus. 一定要随身携带. 如果您的ID不能工作,请c联络学生事务处 at 812-535-5281 or stop by the Student Affairs Department on the first floor of 乐费尔大厅. 如果您遗失了身份证,请与我们联系 公共安全.
请在2023年8月18日前在网上登记您的车辆. Please take the time to ensure that your vehicle registration information is accurate and complete. You will annually pick up your parking hangtag during First Monday check-in. 吊牌必须正确地显示在您的车辆上.
Be advised that 公共安全 will begin ticketing unregistered vehicles on 2023年8月21日星期一.
Should you have any questions regarding this process,请 feel free to contact the 公共安全 学系 812-535-6400 或参观他们在乐佛花园层的办公室.
洗衣 rooms are provided on each residential floor in Le Fer and Les Bois. 这些房间24小时开放. 洗衣 facilities are included in the room rate and require no currency to operate with the exception of the machines in the garden level of 乐费尔大厅. 这些设施只供住校学生使用.
信息技术 provides technology support for students, faculty, staff and guests. 联系帮助台 在这里.